The best flower of those born in October, the marigolds still blooms brightly this month. Associated with the warmth of the Sun because of its radiant Hugh, the Marie girl promotes creativity and attracts love in all its forms. Known around the world for its healing properties, the leaves and petals can be eaten, and are often used to heal cuts and bruises.

Marigold Spell for Healing

Make a healing tincture for grazes, cut,s and skin complaints.

  • Half in a jar with dried Marigold leaves and petals, then top up the jar with Apple cider vinegar and seal the lid.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, shaking the jar every day for six weeks to blend the mixture.
  • Strain the liquid to a cheese cloth and decant into a dropper bottle or clean jar. Store in the fridge for up to 6 months.

From The Mystical Year folklore, magic and nature
By Alison Davies


The Mystical Year byAlison Davies

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