Heike Petersen Cunza is the founder of eco-luxe athleisure brand, Wellicious, which is the world’s first compostable, circular, and Cradle to Cradle Certified® yoga-wear brand.  She is an advocate for living a more conscientious lifestyle and sits down with us to share her sustainability story and why she believes compostable clothing is the future of fashion.

Welcome to Frank! Please introduce yourself.

I was born in Germany, and I am a wife, mother, and business owner.  I previously worked in PR and business management, and have always had a passion for luxurious, high-quality, and organic products.

What inspired you set up Wellicious?

As a child, I was inspired by my grandmother Maria’s commitment to living a sustainable lifestyle and my parents’ two-decade-long residence in Eastern Africa, where they lived among the wonders of nature.

It was at a 2006 trade fair in Paris where I found myself immersed in a small crowd of people who shared my dream of shaking up the fashion industry for the better. And so began my mission to combine my love of yoga with the philosophy that style should not be at the expense of our planet.

I set up Wellicious in London in 2007 when sustainability was a vision shared by just a few in the fashion industry.

Tell us more about the concept of the brand?

Wellicious is a combination of the words: Wellbeing and Delicious.  It means leading a sustainable lifestyle that you enjoy to the fullest.

Our yoga collection is inspired by the ocean and features classic designs in an array of complimentary blues to mix and match.  Our flattering modern, minimalist designs are crafted with care and our attention to detail means your sports bras, leggings and tank tops will hold their shape, wear-after-wear, season-after-season.

Wellicious is the world’s first circular and Cradle to Cradle Certified® yoga-wear brand, which means no waste is produced in the production of our clothes.

We also offer a take-back system to our customers. When an item is ready to be returned to the earth (thereby closing its materials’ loop), you can send it back to us in exchange for a 10% discount on your next purchase. In doing so, we will ensure the biodegrading process is optimised so that no trace of your item is left behind.

What are your tips for becoming eco-conscious?

I believe that sustainability is fun and easy.  We must be the change we wish to see. 

Leaving the world a better place is the least we can do for our planet.

It is frightening, but every second, the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes is burnt or buried in a landfill.  Additionally, textile production contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping – combined!

Small changes can add up to make a big difference, so I encourage consumers to start being more mindful and aware about what they consume, looking at where their items have come from and how they are manufactured.

Where do you like to practice yoga?

I love practicing yoga surrounded by nature, so in my garden or by the sea with the fresh salty air.  I also have some favourite yoga teachers and studios in both London and Munich, where I split my time between.

How do you live your life in flow? I try to be organised and ensure I have time scheduled for work, family, and social time.  It might sound a little sterile, but it is a good way to ensure I split my time sensibly.  Running my business has made me realise how important family time is, and I try to maintain clear boundaries between the different areas of my life, so that I can be fully present in each. When I am travelling lots, I make sure I have lots of water and healthy snacks.  If I am ever feeling stressed, I stop what I am doing and take a few deep breaths to help recentre and rebalance myself.

Sustainability is fun and easy.

Finally, where can our readers find you?

Please stop by the Wellicious website to see our sustainable, compostable, and circular yoga collection.  We are on Instagram at @Wellicious, and on Facebook at @Wellicious.


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