Life is full of choices. Every day presents options. But we are often creatures of habit. Without the help of a neon sign flashing ‘turn right for health, wealth, and happiness,’ we tend to stick to what feels safe and familiar. Until the unknown presents itself. Writer and healer TJ Gristwood ponders the Covid vaccine and whether to jab or not to jab.
The unknown can feel like a tricky conundrum. But as wise women, we accept that it is up to us, and us alone, to respond to life’s challenges with integrity and clarity.
We must make choices that sit comfortably within our body, mind, and soul.
The conundrum we have all faced since 2020 is the Covid vaccination.
It is a subject that has created a divide within our global society. The choice we made in 2020 as to whether we accepted the vaccination or not split us into two very distinct camps.
For or against, the debate continues.
Every country during the pandemic surged into action to save lives when people were contracting this new virus.
As soon as they could create a vaccine, they did. Multiple vaccines were created by different companies in different countries.
It was incredibly intense, frightening and life-changing. The ripples of how this virus has affected us and how the vaccine has changed us are ongoing.
As a spiritual woman, I sat with this conundrum with a heavy heart. My intuition said, ‘No thank you, my immune system is healthy and quite capable of fighting dis-ease.’ My head said, ‘But how are you going to visit your mother in care or travel without proof of vaccination?’
I found myself along with millions of other women around the world in a tricky situation. ‘To be jabbed or not be jabbed,’ that was the question and one that is still a current dilemma.
Taking one for the team, and cooperating with the law to give me access to my mother, who was in care, was my decision.
It did not sit well within my body, mind or soul, but I meditated on the matter, took walks in nature to find clarity and in the end trusted that my body could manage whatever the vaccine would do positively or negatively within my physical body.
I made peace with my decision and moved forward with a positive mindset.
Shortly after my second vaccine, I ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis. An incredibly painful and serious condition that made no sense as I am not a heavy drinker and did not have any gallstones.
My intuition poked me with a very sharp stick. I decided not to have the vaccine booster.
As time went by, travel restrictions were lifted and the rules for visiting my mother in her care home changed.
Instead of feeling angry that I ignored my initial intuitive response not to vaccinate, I accepted that this was a learning curve, something I needed to experience regardless of how my physical body reacted.
I recovered from pancreatitis and despite contracting Covid in 2022, which felt like a mini army running around my body attacking all the previous weak spots I, like others, discovered we could survive this virus.
Covid has evolved in the last few years. Thankfully fewer people are dying, but increasingly more are showing side effects to the vaccine.
As a complementary therapist and healer, I am seeing first-hand that not everyone is lucky enough to just experience a sore arm and the need to sleep on the sofa for an afternoon.
One of the side effects for women has been issues with frozen shoulder due to the injection administered at the wrong point in the deltoid muscle in the upper arm.
Other symptoms I’ve seen in my clients include blood clots, lethargy, muscle cramping, joint pain, depression and, for women going through menopause, heart palpitations have increased.
For the elderly, dementia has accelerated faster than normal.
Of course, there will always be the possibility of side effects. We are all unique in how we react to a foreign body within our system.
Most vaccinations are trialled for years but the pandemic forced this usual trial period out the window.
The conundrum is this. Should we be queuing up for our third and fourth Covid vaccines, and then a flu vaccine to add to the cocktail? Or should we trust our intuition, make the choice that sits comfortably with us and fight for the freedom to decide on whether to take another jab in the arm?
Do we really need multiple vaccinations in such a brief period? Are children not strong enough with their own immune systems to fight dis-ease?
Some women feel they have been given no choice. If they are to receive support with underlying health conditions they need to prove they have been vaccinated.
Is our system failing to let us make our own choices? Are we being judged for taking our health into our own hands? How can we move forward without fear surrounding our choices?
At the end of the day, this all boils down to individual choice without judgement.
I am seeing clients who, despite having received multiple vaccines, have suffered greatly and are disappointed in the vaccine’s effectiveness.
It is an interesting case study and feels like we are buying a ticket from a lottery that has a rather poor prize.
As our vibration and sensitivity ramp up so does our ability to make choices based on intuition, knowledge, and the freedom to express our choices in life without fear of repercussion.
If you are seeking alternative solutions to the Covid vaccine that are more natural and in synch with your body’s flow, try homoeopathy, foods that boost the immune system, and therapies that raise your vibration and give fear a swift kick up the rear.
Fear destroys healthy cells. It steals our power and blocks our energy flow. Trust the voice in your head that whispers words of encouragement, clarity, and kindness instead of falling prey to Mrs Doubt-Fearful.
Our intuitive self is the one truly in control.
She understands you are sometimes vulnerable or uncertain. But she will tell you, without fear or glossing over the hard facts, what works for you and what doesn’t.
And if you choose to ignore her, she will no longer whisper; she will shout, and keep shouting and poking you in the belly until you listen.
Take courage in the fact that more women are making choices based on intuition and researching information about vaccination and possible side effects.
They are taking charge of their physical and emotional health by tuning into their bodies, listening to their heart space and loving themselves unconditionally.
And so, my request to all you beautiful wise women is to support each other by sharing your experiences over the past few years, how you have coped with the immense changes in your lives, and to engage with an open heart and without judgement when the conversation turns to vaccination.
This is a new world, but we always have a choice as to how we live it.
Modern medicine has evolved using the blueprint of nature. The healers of history used herbs to help those suffering from dis-ease.
As their knowledge of how the human body worked grew, so did their success rate. Despite the modern world turning to synthetic medicine on mass, we can see a shift in this pill-popping phenomenon as people turn back to natural healing.
Conventional and complementary medicine both have their place in our new world. It’s up to us how we choose to use them. There was a time when plutonium was an ingredient in toothpaste and opium was considered appropriate for anxiety. We now know that wasn’t such a great idea!
Only time can reveal the truth regarding the effectiveness of the Covid vaccination.
In the meantime, our loving spirit will guide us and our connection to each other will support us. We are all in this together as the journey with Covid continues.
If we learn to trust that our incredible bodies can and will fight dis-ease if we nurture them properly, we can all move forward without fear nipping at our heels.
We can all make the choices that sit comfortably within mind, body and soul.
They are ours, and ours alone, to cherish and protect after all.
With Love, Light and Fairy Blessings
Tara xx
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