Shamanic healer Sjoukje Gummels explains why spring is all about new beginnings and how to align ourselves with its vibrance.

I love this time of year. There is excitement in the air and a feeling that the new year is starting now, for me it is anyway. Some people, like me, take some more time thawing out after winter!

This time of the year is bursting with the energy of new beginnings, new opportunities and rebirth. In the cycle of the seasons, spring is situated in the direction of the East on the Medicine Wheel and is regarded as the place of the infant/child.

The changes that we see happen around us in nature move so rapidly and are akin to when we look at the early stages of babies’ development when on all levels growth happens faster than ever in our lifetime.

The East is where the sun rises as we welcome a new day.

As the increase of light and the longer days are upon us, most of us feel more uplifted and we tend to feel more energized.

There is so much movement happening around us as the earth has re-awakened from the colder period and the soil has been warming from the sun’s embrace.

Plants and flowers emerge and the animals prepare for new life. The landscape seems to change daily; it is truly mesmerizing.

How Can We Be More Aligned To This Time Of Year?

This time offers such a beautiful opportunity to plant new seeds for our own lives, whether this manifests through starting new ventures or setting goals for the next period to come with an open heart and fresh eyes to what is possible.

  • It is a great time for envisioning what you wish to dream into being this year and tracking your progress. Small steps make great change.
  • Reflect on what has come up during the period of gestation in the Winter, mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Is there something you are ready to release so that you can create space for the new, make space for you?
  • Start your day with a gratitude journal. It will make such a difference to your energy field and what you will draw to yourself as a result.
  • Wake up around sunrise, face the East and as the sun rises imagine you are being charged by the rays of the Sun like a battery. Thank the Sun for this source of light and energy that is offered unconditionally.

For some, this time of movement can feel overwhelming as life is speeding up around us. We can start to create a lot of expectations of where we should be and where we are going.

A great awareness to create is that thoughts are like seeds that grow. Hold compassion for yourself and know there is no right or wrong when it comes to timing. Having said that, when we start aligning ourselves with the seasons, we can create a natural flow that is expressed around us within our personal lives.

So look to nature. Ask what is happening around you, what you observe and where you are at.

No need to be in the country to make this connection and to marvel at nature. We can access this in an inner city. You still notice the change of light, see that the trees in the park are growing new leaves, that the birds are busy and the temperature is changing.

A beautiful thing to do is to plant some herb seeds like Parsley and look after them. Tend to them, knowing that when we nourish them, they will soon grow to be lush. Use this as a metaphor for how you can tend to yourself, nourish and care for yourself in mind body and spirit so you can thrive.

And start this vibrant time of year with fresh childlike curiosity and wonderment for change, possibility and hope.

Many Blessings,


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Sjoukje Gummels is a Shamanic Practitioner, model and mother of two. She leads guided meditations, Full Moon Circles, online courses and one-on-one healing sessions. Sjoukje encourages people to use their imagination and senses to actively explore their inner landscape for guidance and healing.


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